mardi, mars 04, 2008

I wish

Hier, j'ai trouvé chez mon amie Zeina A.B. un petit livre singulier, qui s'appelle Best wishes et qui regroupe des dizaines de petits souhaits glandés au gré des rencontres et des pays.
Voici quelques unes:

I wish eternity for all who make this world a nice and peaceful place to live or i wish for 200 years as an average lifetime : 100 years to learn to live and 100 years to enjoy and if possible another 100 to get tired of life, so that when you are 299 you can say « it has been worth it but i have had enough » Sindy Simonova 29 slovakia

I wish i knew what i wanted Regis Martin 38 Australia

I wish to be found Irwin Cruz 30 Spain

I wish you were here Silvia Omedes 33 Spain

I don’t have any Ali Poureslami 30 Iran